Sunday, March 9, 2008

Video Tapes Damaged by TV?

Is it bad to store your videos on top of the TV?

First of all, when you say "video" these days, people think of youtube videos, and so your question sounds kind of metaphysical-- but what we think you're asking about is placing VHS tapes on top of the TV.

When you turn on a TV or computer monitor, a built in degausser sends a strong electromagnetic wave over the screen to clear it of any built-up interference. As VHS tapes are magnetic, this can definitely damage them. You probably also shouldn't keep your IPOD there, or your pet hamster, or your goldfish, or your cojones-- were that possible.

Besides that, what are you doing screwing around with VHS tapes? Shell out $49 for a DVD player, for godsake! If you're some kind of an archivist, keep the damn tapes on a shelf!

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