Friday, February 22, 2008

If it Rains in Summer, Why is a Duck?

I once had a college class (polysci, I think) where the prof put a bonus question on the final which was "If it rains in summer, why is a duck?" He said anyone who answered that correctly would get an A in the class. No one did, (no one got an A either!) and over the years I've become obsessed with the answer to that riddle.

Vanessa, the clue to the answer of this riddle is contained in your question. No one got an A in your professor's class.


Anonymous said...

Because one of the feet the same and the higher it flies the much.

Anonymous said...

Because a chicken can't swim.

Anonymous said...

How much wood ca a woodchuck chuck?

Anonymous said...

The answer I was taught is,

When it lies on its back.

Anonymous said...

the answer- Because a Vest has no sleeves.

this was a riddle we used to use in our youth group. its non-sensical.